
Tidlig varsling bidrar til økt selvredning

Total cost of ownership

From idea and design, all the way to finished Product Our main Focus has been to deliver a solutionthat totally changes the total cost for this kind of warning system. Through low Production cost, modular solution that Ensures easy replacement all the way to easy installation – we deliver the markets best solution both regarding quality and cost.

Installation cost

Our system is among the easiest to install – no need for lifts or skaffolds. By useing brackets this solution is quickly mounted without any need for special tools.


Its all about the modules. If any module is damaged or defect – they are easily replaced and connected demanding only a minimum of working hours. The replaced parts are affordable, and there is no need to close the entire tunnel for longer periods.


Sustainability RightDirection has thought the development had a high focus on sustainability, both in the choice of quality component ensuring a long life for the finished product, but also with the focus to ensure the fastest warning possible to save lives and reduce damage.