About Us

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Our mission is to deliver innovative and cost-efficient systems to improve tunnel safety


Our vision is to be a market leading innovator for safety systems that are both efficient and cost effective.


Our core values are passion for innovation and for making products that are helping society improve


To Reach Our goals we have found a team complementing eachother in knowledge and experience so that we together can find New and innovative solutions.

Daniel Nordheim


Engineer With extensive experience in automation and tunnels.

Kai Hauge

Founder and quality control

40 years experience in International sales, marketing and technical planning.

Tor Martin Hauge

Member of the Board

Experience in marketing, sales and leadership.

Knut Olaf Hauge

Chairman of the Board

Experienced CFO with high focus on innovation and business development.

Right Direction - Unique modular security system

Our module based safety system improves the evacuation in case of emergencies. Our advanced detectors ensures immediate warning and leads people to safety with its moving lights that motivates to self-rescue.


Sustainability RightDirection has thought the development had a high focus on sustainability, both in the choice of quality component ensuring a long life for the finished product, but also with the focus to ensure the fastest warning possible to save lives and reduce damage.